Laser Resurfacing For Acne Scars: Does It Really Work?

Acne scars are often an unavoidable result of acne flare-ups, but many people struggle to find a suitable treatment option for them. However, as technology has advanced, laser therapy is fast becoming the treatment modality of choice for acne scars. Despite the growing popularity, many people with acne scars are wondering – ‘Laser resurfacing for acne scars: does it really work.’

Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

There are various lasers now being used to treat acne scars. They generally work by removing the upper epidermal layer, but there are also less aggressive options such as the fractional lasers.

With the more ablative lasers a new skin layer will develop after several months, but there will be a noticeable reduction in the appearance of the scars in the days following treatment.

Does It Work?

There are certain lasers that are effective for treating acne scars, but the results often vary, depending on the severity of the scars. The CO2 laser is a good option for different scar types and skin types. The laser is able to precisely target and resurface different layers of skin.

The CO2 lasers can be used to treat box scars, rolling scars, and deep anthropic scars. However, there are times when a combination treatment may be best.

It typically takes about 2-3 treatments to achieve a significant reduction in scars, but again, this will be influenced by how severe the scars are. Downtime varies from 3-7 days, but this depends on how aggressive the laser is.

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