Can I Wash My Face After a Microneedling Treatment?

If your goal is to achieve flawless skin, microneedling is one of the most effective non-invasive treatment options available to you. Microneedling has become very popular in the last several years, as it works really well to rejuvenate the skin, and treat a range of skin concerns. One of the questions often asked about this technique is – Can I wash my face after a microneedling treatment.


Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation technique that can restore the youthful glow and vibrancy to the skin. It reduces the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and other irregularities.

How does it work

Modern microneedling involves the use of a pen-like device with of tiny needles. The needles move back and forth and penetrate the skin, leaving thousands of injury marks.

The action of the microneedles stimulates a healing response in the skin, leading to the release of growth factors that can revitalize the skin tone and texture. The treatment is virtually painless, and topical anesthetic is used to minimize any discomfort.

Can I Wash My Face After a Microneedling Treatment?

There is generally some redness and sensitivity after microneedling treatment. However, the face can be washed with a gentle cleanser within a few hours of the procedure, in order to remove any serum or dried blood on the surface of the skin.

After treatment your doctor will give you post procedure instructions, and also recommend specific products to use in order to accelerate healing, and maximize the results.

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