Would you like to get rid of your double chin for good? Kybella may be the solution for you. Kybella is a minimally invasive injectable treatment that has quickly become a sought-after alternative to surgical procedures for reducing double chin fat. Although it’s generally well-tolerated, clients are always curious to find out – Do Kybella injections have side effects?
Kybella Treatment
Kybella is an FDA approved treatment for moderate to severe submental fat (fat below the chin). It is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that is naturally present in the body, and is used to break down dietary fat. When injected into the area below the chin, Kybella dissolves the fat cells. Treatment takes 15-20 minutes, and it may require up to 5sessions to achieve the best results.
Do Kybella Injections Have Side Effects?
Yes, there are some commonside-effects related to the use of Kybella, these include swelling, pain, numbness, and redness at the injection site. There may also be some hardness in the treated area. These side-effects typically last up to one week.
Kybella can also cause serious side-effects such as difficulty swallowing, facial muscle weakness, nerve injury, and nausea.
When Kybella is injected properly it is quite safe, and possible side-effects are minimized. That’s why clients should ensure that Kybella is injected by a trained, expert injector who understands the facial anatomy, and has the required level of experience. Additionally, Kybella should not be injected outside of the submental area.