Does SculpSure Really Work to Reduce Unwanted Fat?

When it comes to non-invasive lipo options, SculpSure is one of the newest treatments on the market. It is an affordable, convenient procedure that takes less than half an hour to complete, and requires no downtime. But does SculpSure really work to reduce unwanted fat.

SculpSure fat reduction

SculpSure is an FDA approved laser-based fat reduction procedure that uses a diode laser with a 1060 nm wavelength. It was originally designed to treat the abdomen and flanks, but can also be used for the arms, knees, and inner and outer thighs.

Sculpture is able to contour and refine the body in 25 minutes. One treatment is usually required for each area being treated. SculpSure is the ideal treatment for individuals with small areas of troublesome fat that they would like to eliminate.

Does SculpSure really work to reduce unwanted fat?

Yes it does. The laser emits energy that directly targets the fat cells, heating them to between 42-47degrees Celsius. The heat from the laser penetrates the skin and heats up the fat cells, causing them to rupture. Once the cells are destroyed they will never return, and the body will naturally eliminate them over a period of 6-12 weeks. After that time patients can expect to see a 24% decrease in fat in the treated area.

Is it painful?

Sculpture is not painful. Patients that have had the procedure done report feeling intermittent waves of heat and cooling during the procedure, but don’t consider it painful.

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