Dysport Vs. Botox – What’s the Difference?

Just about everyone knows about the amazing benefits of botox, for the temporary reduction of wrinkles.  With a few quick injections, you can get rid of unwanted facial lines and wrinkles. Though botox has a huge following, other alternatives like dysport are gaining popularity. Both products tackle stubborn wrinkles, but how do you decide which is right for you. Dysport vs botox – What’s the difference?

Dysport and Botox
Like botox, dysport is derived from botulinum toxin type A. It therefore works in a similar way by blocking the normal communication between the nerves, and the muscles. Without the transmission of these nerve impulses the muscles won’t contract, so those wrinkles that are formed when you laugh, frown, or smile, will gradually soften. The effectiveness and side effects are the same for both products.

What is the main difference between dysport and botox?
There has been a lot of discussion about the differences between dysport and botox. Studies carried out between the 2 drugs indicate that the results with dysport appear sooner than they do with botox. It takes about 4-7 days for the results of botox to be seen, while it takes 1-2 days with dysport.

In addition, dysport lasts somewhat longer than botox, as it can last up to 4 months, compared to 3 months with botox.

It is important to remember that these results will vary, and studies are still being carried out to determine if there are other significant differences.

If you are interested in a minimally invasive solution for wrinkles, contact the Skin Care Center, Chicago, IL, to find out more about dysport and botox. Call 773-296-3636 to schedule a consultation. We also have offices in Lake Forest (847-234-6121), and Glenview (847-901-0252).

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