Facial Fat Grafting Vs. Dermal Fillers – Which should you choose?

Americans seem to have a never-ending fascination with regaining youthful looks. This fixation has contributed toa growing number of anti-aging solutions, including fat grafting. Facial fat grafting addresses the problem of volume loss that often occurs with aging.However, despite the success of this revolutionary procedure,patients often cannot decide whether to choose facial fat grafting vs dermal fillers.

Fat grafting
Fat grafting is a very effective alternative to the traditional facelift, and is used to plump up the face much like dermal fillers. The fat for the procedure is taken from the patient’s own body, and this makes it a much safer solution to implants. During the procedure, fat is removed from donor sites like the abdomen and flanks, after whichitis processed, before being placed in the targeted areas.

Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are also effective in restoring facial volume, and creating a more youthful appearance. Juvederm and Restylane are two of the more popular hyaluronic fillers. These injectables are used to fill in wrinkles and fine lines. The results last for 6-9 months.

Fat grafting vs dermal fillers
Facial fat facial grafting is often preferred because it uses the body’s own fat cells, so there is little chance of patients having an allergic reaction. In addition, the natural looking results makes it impossible for others to tell that patients have had work done, as they still look like themselves. In addition, the fat is very flexible, which makes it easier to shape, and achieve a natural look.

In making the decision to go with facial fat grafting vs dermal fillers, individuals also consider the fact that the results of fat grating last longer. Fat cells can be used to fill in those areas of the face that have been affected by the loss of facial fat.

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