How is SculpSure Different From CoolSculpting for Body Contouring?

SculpSure and CoolSculpting are two of the most advanced non-invasive fat reduction procedures that can give you the trimmer, fitter body you’re looking for. But you may find it somewhat overwhelming to decide which procedure is right for you. Before making a decision, you need to know the answer to this question – How is SculpSure different from CoolSculpting for body contouring.

Below is a quick comparison of the two technologies:

How they work

SculpSure uses heat to destroy fat cells. The heat targets the fat cells by increasing the temperature to between 42-47 degrees Celsius. The fat cells are destroyed at that temperature and then permanently eliminated from the body.

CoolSculpting destroys the fat cells using a system of controlled cooling known as cryolipolysis. The process freezes and destroys the fat cells, but all the other cells are safe from damage.


CoolSculpting has a strong suction that pulls the fat and skin into the cooling pads, so the patient must have fat that is ‘pinchable’ and can be sucked into the applicator for treatment. SculpSure has 4 applicators that is placed on top of the skin and held in place using straps. It does not use any suction.


A single Sculpture treatment lasts for 25 minutes, while CoolSculpting lasts for 1 hour. SculpSure has 4 applicators, so it can treat multiple areas during the 25 minute session.  CoolSculpting can only treat a single area during the 60 minute treatment time.


Patients generally experience no downtime after undergoing SculpSure treatment.  Most patients can resume normal activities after CoolSculpting, but some experience swelling and bruising.

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