How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

Laser hair removal is generally accepted as a safe, effective way to get beautiful, hair-free skin.   It involves removing unwanted hair by exposing it to pulses of laser light.  However, one of the first questions people interested in having the procedure done ask is – How long does laser hair removal last?

How does laser hair removal work

The laser light selectively targets the melanin (dark pigment) found at the root of the hair follicle, and it absorbs the laser light.  The heat that is generated damages the center of hair growth in the follicle and this causes the hair to fall out within 1-2 weeks.

How many laser hair removal treatments do I need?

Long term hair reduction requires multiple sessions because hair grows in phases, so lasers are not able to remove every hair follicle in a single session.  Consequently, patients typically need to undergo 6-8 laser hair removal treatments for maximum results. 

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

How long laser hair removal lasts depends on the individual’s skin type and hair growth cycle, so it’s difficult to predict how long patients will enjoy hair-free skin.  However, patients can generally expect laser hair removal to last for a few months.   

Patients may need follow-up treatments once the recommended laser hair removal treatments are complete, because hair may regrow if the hair follicle was not destroyed.  People with a short hair growth cycle will experience faster hair regrowth.  The hair that regrows will, therefore, have to be treated in order to maintain hair-free results.

Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation

If you are in the West Melbourne, FL area, Refinery Med Spa and Wellness is our featured practice. You can reach them at, or by calling 321-339-1001.

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