How Long Is a CoolSculpting Session?

Are you interested in getting CoolSculpting to reduce stubborn fat on the abdomen and flanks? If so, you would probably like to know how long a CoolSculpting session is going to take.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that uses cold temperatures to freeze away unwanted fat cells. CoolSculpting selectively targets the fat cells, while leaving the surrounding cells, nerves, and tissue intact. The fat cells that are treated are gradually broken down by the body and expelled.

How Long Is a CoolSculpting Session?

The length of a CoolSculpting session can range anywhere from 45 minutes to 60 minutes per treatment area. A small area like the submental region, can take as little as 45 minutes to complete. CoolSculpting can easily be done in the lunch hour, so most patients can go back to work or resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

How many CoolSculpting treatments do I need?

The number of CoolSculpting treatments you need will depend on the areas being targeted, and your aesthetic goals. However, most patients achieve optimal results after just one treatment, as CoolSculpting reduces fat in the treated area by 20-25%.

Are there any side-effects after CoolSculpting?

Patients can expect to experience some swelling, bruising, and redness after treatment, but these side-effects usually resolve within a few days.

When will I see results?

Patients may start seeing results about 3 weeks after treatment, but since the body takes several weeks to expel the treated fat cells, final results can take 2-3 months.

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