How Many Botox Treatments Should I Get?

Have you thought about having botox, but are unsure about how many botox treatments you should get for best results. If you want to get botox treatment, it’s vital to seek out the services of an experienced botox physician. The physician should be able to educate you about the procedure, and customize a treatment plan based on your unique needs.

What to expect with botox cosmetic treatment

Botox is a quick, easy treatment that takes only 10-15 minutes to complete. The physician will first mark the areas to be treated, and then clean them with a mild cleanser. A very tiny needle is then used to inject botox directly into the muscles. This may involve 1-3 injections.

Botox treatment is virtually painless, but some patients may experience mild discomfort when the drug is administered. Pressure is applied to the area after treatment to minimize swelling.

How Many Botox Treatments Should I Get?

Most patients typically need only one botox treatment to see the desired reduction in wrinkles. The results are not visible immediately after treatment, as it can take 3-7 days for botox to take effect. Most patients should notice an appreciable decline in muscle activity in the injected areas by this time, and pre-existing wrinkles should be less visible when the muscles are completely relaxed.

The effects of botox typically last 4-6 months, so repeat treatments will be needed to maintain the results, because the muscles will return to their original state once it wears off (click here to learn more).

Are you ready to schedule your botox treatment? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Long Beach, CA area, Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates is our featured practice.

You can reach them at, or by calling 562) 280-2071.

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