How Many Juvederm Injections Does it Take to See Results?

If you’d like to smooth out those wrinkles and folds on your face, Juvederm injectable is highly recommended. Juvederm is one of the most popular dermal fillers used throughout the world to smooth facial wrinkles and replenish volume in the skin. But just how many Juvederm injections does it take to see results.


Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid injectable filler that is used to address common signs of aging such as wrinkles, creases, and folds. It restores volume to these areas, and can also be used to augment the lips.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in the body and maintains moisture levels in the cells, causing the skin to look full and youthful. However, levels of hyaluronic acid decline as you age, resulting in a loss of facial volume and loose skin.

How It Works

The hyaluronic acid in Juvederm immediately fills in lines and wrinkles, because it draws water from the surrounding tissues, and is eventually absorbed by the body over time. This causes the skin to look smoother, and regain its plump, youthful appearance.

How many Juvederm Injections Does it take to See Results?

It may take one or two syringes in a single Juvederm treatment to see results. However, a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist is the best way to determine the right option for you. Juvederm does take a little time to settle, so you should see changes within 5-7 days.

The results achieved with Juvederm typically last 4-6 months.

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