How many Kybella treatments are needed?

Is fat below the chin a concern for you? You’re not alone, because it’s a concern shared by more than half of the American population. Thankfully, Kybella injectable treatment is now available for adults wanting to get rid of their double-chin. But how many Kybella treatments are needed to see results?

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a fat dissolving injectable treatment for moderate-to-severe under-chin fat, known medically as submental fat. Deoxycholic acid is the primary ingredient in Kybella. It is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps with the breakdown of dietary fat.

When Kybella is injected into the fat under the chin, it breaks apart the membrane of the fat cells. Once the fat cells are destroyed they can no longer store fat, so the double chin will be reduced. A single Kybella treatment takes 10-15 minutes, and consists of several injections.

How Many Kybella Treatments are Needed?

It typically requires a course of 3-6 Kybella treatments spaced about 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve the desired results. However this may vary, depending on the amount of fat present below the chin, and the aesthetic goals of the patient. The provider will therefore evaluate the chin profile of each patient, and determine the exact number of Kybella sessions needed. So as to get the best results, patients should complete the number of treatments recommended by their provider.

Kybella injections should only be administered by a trained medical practitioner, preferably a board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

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