How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

Have you found it difficult to accept some of the body changes that have occurred as a result of having a baby. If you have, and you’re ready to do something about it, you may be a good candidate for a mommy makeover. A mommy makeover is designed to remedy some of the unwelcome changes that come with pregnancy and childbirth. But how much does a mommy makeover cost.

What exactly is a mommy makeover

A mummy makeover refers to a set of cosmetic procedures that are done to rejuvenate a woman’s body after pregnancy and breastfeeding. The procedures typically focus on the breasts and abdomen, which are the areas that are primarily affected after pregnancy and childbirth.

What can a mommy makeover fix

Droopy breasts, stretch marks, excess tummy skin, abdominal fat, and stretched abdominal muscles, are common concerns women have after childbirth. A mommy makeover addresses these issues with the help of procedures such as a breast lift and/or breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction.

A breast lift with implants is one of the most common mommy makeover procedures. It gets rid of excess skin to improve breast sagging, and it adds implants to increase the volume of the breasts. The procedure leaves the breasts fuller and perkier.

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is another frequently requested mommy makeover procedure. It makes the tummy flatter and smoother by removing excess skin and fat in the abdominal region, and tightening the abdominal muscles. During pregnancy the expansion of the uterus puts pressure on the abdominal walls, causing them to stretch or separate. The abdominal separation known medically as diastasis recti, can only be corrected with a tummy tuck.

How much does a mommy makeover cost

Moms considering a mommy makeover are often concerned about the cost, since multiple procedures are involved.

The cost of a mommy makeover depends on the number and type of procedures being done. A patient may choose to have any mix of procedures depending on the specific issues they would like addressed, and the transformation they are hoping for.

Since a mommy makeover combines several treatments, it can be expected to cost more than other plastic surgery procedures. Consequently, patients can expect to pay anywhere from $9,000-$20,000 for a mommy makeover.

Other factors that influence the final cost of a mommy makeover include:

  • The experience and training of the surgeon. Surgeons that are highly trained and have a lot of experience performing mommy makeover procedures, generally charge more.
  • Complexity of the surgery and extent of the procedures. Surgical procedures that are more complex and extensive are likely to require greater expertise and longer surgical time, so they are usually more costly.
  • Geographic location. When it comes to any type of plastic surgery, geographic location can significantly impact cost. Therefore the cost of mommy makeover surgery will be impacted by the cost of living index in the state in which surgery is performed. Mommy makeover surgery is generally more expensive in urban centers such as New York, Beverly Hills, and Los Angeles, due to the higher overheads surgeons have to pay.

Other related costs for a mommy makeover include charges for the operating room and anesthesia.

Who is a good candidate for a mommy makeover

Plastic surgeons generally recommend that mommy makeover candidates should have finished having children. Subsequent pregnancies may result in droopy breasts and re-stretch the skin.

In addition, candidates for a mommy makeover should be within 15-20 pounds of their ideal weight, and be in good overall health.

Mommy makeover surgery can be very transformative for the right candidate, as many women report feeling more confident after undergoing the procedures.

If you are contemplating having a mommy makeover, it’s advisable to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon, to determine the procedures that would be most appropriate for you. The surgeon will be able to develop a customized treatment plan, and provide an accurate estimate of the cost of your mommy makeover.

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