How Painful is Laser Tattoo Removal?

If the tattoo you once thought you’d love forever now means nothing to you, don’t worry, tattoos don’t have to be permanent. Getting a tattoo can be quite painful, so it’s not surprising that the first question people who want to get rid of their tattoo ask is – “How painful is tattoo removal?”

Laser Tattoo removal

Lasers have taken a lot of the sting out of tattoo removal. They make the process less painful and more efficient. The laser energy penetrates the skin and breaks up the ink particles, and the body gradually eliminates them via the lymphatic system. It typically takes 6 to 10 sessions to fade a tattoo, but this depends on several factors, including the colors of the tattoo and depth of the ink.

The number of sessions required is also influenced by the technology used to perform tattoo removal. Advanced lasers like Enlighten by Cutera are very efficient, and can power through a wide spectrum of colors in fewer sessions.

Is it painful?

Prior to the start of the procedure a local anesthetic is used to numb the area, and the laser is then applied. Many patients say the laser feels a lot like the slight snap of a rubber band against the skin.

The truth is getting rid of a tattoo doesn’t have to hurt. It may be uncomfortable, and there will be some after treatment pain that feels a lot like sunburnt skin. Many patients agree that the numbing injections are probably the most painful part of the process.

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