How Micropigmentation is Used to Get rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks don’t look good on the body, and they make some women feel uncomfortable and self-conscious, especially when they are in shorts or swimwear.  Although stretch marks are prevalent among women, men also get them. If you want to know how to get rid of stretch marks, this article takes a look at one of the most effective solutions, known as micropigmentation.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks or striae are streaks that occur on the body, particularly on the arms, legs, abdomen, and buttocks. They look a lot like veins, and are usually light in color.


Stretch marks often occur due to a sudden change in body size, which results in the skin being stretched very quickly. This is often the case during pregnancy, and also during puberty.

About Micropigmentation

Medical Micropigmentation is a technique that is used to treat a number of skin imperfections, and it has been used successfully to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.  Micropigmentation is also known as semi-permanent make-up, because the process involves the use of hypoallergenic pigments to mask the stretch marks.

The pigments are injected just below the surface of the skin, and add color in the stretch marks. They match the surrounding skin, and regularize the irregular skin color of the stretch marks.

If your stretch marks make you feel less than confident to don your swimsuit, then you may want to consider micropigmentation as a possible solution.

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