Is CoolSculpting Safe?

Do you have stubborn fat bulges on your midsection that you’d like to get rid of? CoolSculpting may be the right choice for you. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure that is in high demand by both men and women. But is CoolSculpting safe?

CoolSculpting 101

CoolSculpting is a fat reduction procedure that uses controlled cooling to freeze away fat without surgery. The fat is then naturally eliminated by the body over the weeks that follow. CoolSculpting is specially designed to treat localized spots of fat which makes it ideal for areas such as the belly, flanks, and thighs.

Patients can expect an average of 20% reduction of fat in the treated area. Each treatment takes approximately one hour, and it may require 1-3 sessions to get the desired outcome. Full results can take 1-3 months.

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

CoolSculpting is FDA approved, and is considered safe for most people, but candidates should be in good health.  Women that are pregnant or people with eczema, hives, or hernia, are not considered good candidates for CoolSculpting. It is also not meant for people that are obese.

Common side-effects include swelling, bruising, redness, and reduced sensitivity in the treated area.  These symptoms are temporary, and usually resolve within 3-5 days. The side-effects occur because of the strong suction of the device, and the exposure to very cold temperatures.

However, rare side-effects are possible, so individuals wishing to undergo CoolSculpting should always consult with a medical provider that is very experienced in the technique.

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