Is There A Non-Surgical Facelift?

These days, people are more conscious about their appearance than ever before, and they often want to rejuvenate their look, but don’t want to undergo surgery. The good news is that there are now many less invasive alternatives to surgical cosmetic procedures, but is there a non-surgical facelift.

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, a surgical facelift is still considered the gold standard. However, there are non-surgical alternatives like Fractora by InMode that can firm and tighten sagging facial skin, and rejuvenate your appearance.

Fractora Facial rejuvenation

Fractora is a non-surgical skin resurfacing treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to rejuvenate and restore the skin. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars, and also improves pigmentation.

Common areas treated with Fractora include the forehead, upper and lower eyelids, cheeks, and neck. It usually takes 2-3 treatments to achieve the best results with Fractora. Downtime is minimal, and most patients are able to return to work within a day or two.

How it works

The Fractora handpiece has tiny pins that deliver fractional RF energy to the dermal layer of the skin, and stimulates collagen production. This starts the natural skin repair process, so the skin becomes smoother and tighter, and also looks more youthful.

While non-surgical treatments like Fractoracan provide very good facial rejuvenation results, they are more beneficial for younger patients with early signs of facial aging. Patients with significant sagging and volume loss will get better results with surgery.

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