Is Thermage Safe?

If you’d like to tone your face and body without surgery and downtime, you may want to ask your doctor about Thermage. Many patients find Thermage appealing because it is comfortable, effective, and only requires a single session. The procedure rejuvenates the skin, leaving it healthier and tighter. There is no doubt that it works, but is Thermage safe.

What is thermage?

Thermage is a non-invasive skin tightening and contouring treatment that can be used on the face and body. It requires no surgery or injections, and there is no pain or downtime.  It is very beneficial for collagen synthesis, and the effects will be seen in the long term, as more collagen forms.

How does it work?

Thermage utilizes radiofrequency (RF) energy to deep heat the skin, and it also cools it at the same time. This has the effect of tightening the skin, as it stimulates the skin renewal process, and helps to build collagen.

During the procedure, the doctor will make several passes over the skin with the Thermage device. It typically requires only one treatment to achieve optimal results.

Is thermage safe?

Thermage is a very safe procedure, and there have been only mild side-effects reported by users. The Thermage device is fitted with the Comfort Pulse Technology (CPT) system for improved patient comfort. With CPT the heat is uniformly distributed within the tissues, so as to minimize the likelihood of any burns (read more related article).

Along with the state of the art RF technology, the skill and experience of the physician also has a bearing on the safety of the procedure. Be sure to choose a medical professional with the necessary experience using the device.

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