For a trimmer waist try laser lipo – San Francisco

If you have tried to lose those last few inches from your waist without success,    then laser lipo is a good option for you. In cities like San Francisco, laser lipo has become a popular alternative for those who prefer not to have invasive surgery. And what’s really nice about it, is the fact that it doesn’t leave you with sagging skin, because it removes fat and tightens the skinat the same time.

Laser assisted lipo involves the use of cutting-edge technology to eliminate fat, and contour the skin. It has made fat removal a lot easier, and much less painful. The use of lasers results in less trauma and blood loss, when compared to traditional lipo. Liposonix is one of the most revolutionary laser lipo treatments.

Liposonix is a ground breaking laser lipo option that is available in cities across the US including San Francisco. It is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes high-intensity ultrasound technology, to effortlessly slim and smooth the body. The energy emitted by the device penetrates to the fat layer below the skin, and melts the fat away.

Just one treatment with Liposonix can give you optimal results. There is almost no downtime required, as most patients are able to resume normal activities immediately after treatment. It takes about 8 to 12 weeks to see the final results.

Is Liposonix right for you?
Liposonix targets stubborn fat in the abdomen, and also gets rid of those unattractive ‘love handles’ that often don’t respond to diet and exercise. It is the best solution for individuals that are within a few pounds of their ideal weight, but need a little help achieving that slimmer look. If you want a leaner waistline then Liposonix laser lipo treatment can give you the trimmer look you desire. So ask your doctor in San Francisco about this body contouring procedure.

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