Neck Lift vs a Kybella Treatment: Which Procedure is better for tightening the neckline?

Loose, crepey neck skin can make you look old, but it is possible to rejuvenate your neck with a neck lift. There is also a new injectable known as Kybella that can dramatically melt under-chin fat without surgery. If you are wondering whether to undergo a  neck lift vs a Kybella treatment loose neck skin, we are going to take a look at which procedure is better for tightening the neckline.


Kybella is an injectable treatment that was recently released by the FDA to slim under-chin fat. It is the ideal solution for people who are concerned about the risks surgery, and would prefer a non-invasive solution to get rid of submental fat.

Kybella is suitable for patients with mild to moderate fat under the chin. It may take up to 6 sessions with Kybella to achieve optimal results.

Neck Lift

A neck lift is a surgical procedure that is done to rejuvenate the appearance of the neck and jowl. It involves the removal of excess fat under the chin, as well as the tightening of loose skin.

Neck Lift vs Kybella

Both treatments can contour the neckline, but Kybella is specifically designed for under-chin fat.

Kybella is indicated for patients with moderate skin laxity, but a neck lift will provide better results for people with a lot of loose neck skin under the chin and neck.

A neck lift is also recommended in instances where the sagging neck skin is the result of a lax platysma muscle.

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