Restore Youthful Skin With the Sculptra Non-Surgical Lift

It’s a fact that skin loses elasticity over time, and nowhere is that more apparent than on the face, where it gradually becomes deflated and starts to sag. A surgical facelift has traditionally been the recommended solution; however there are now a range of non-surgical options that are just as effective. The Sculptra is a popular non-surgical lift that many celebrities are now choosing to restore youthful skin.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a cosmetic injectable that can reverse the signs of facial aging. It is made from poly L-lactic acid, which is a synthetic material that is absorbed by the body. It replaces lost collagen, which is a skin protein that is needed to keep the skin tight and firm.

Sculptra has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of nasolabial folds, and wrinkles. Since Sculptra is not a surgical option, it provides measured, natural looking results. It can be used to smooth lines and wrinkles, restore lost volume around the temples and cheeks, improve skin depressions, and contour the face.

The Sculptra non-surgical lift is particularly effective on ‘smile lines’ – folds between the nose and mouth, and marionette lines – vertical lines around the mouth.

How it works

Sculptra Aesthetic is injected into the skin, and targets the underlying dermal layer. At this level it works to replenish collagen, which in turn helps to fill out folds and wrinkles, so that the face appears fuller and plumper.

It typically takes about 3 injections with Sculptra over a period of several months, to achieve noticeable results. The outcome can last up to 2 years.

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