The Latest Trend for Men: Bro-tox

Botox is no longer for ladies only, because men are getting it as well. In fact, the latest cosmetic trend on the rise for men is ‘brotox,’ – male botox treatment. Men aren’t shying away from getting cosmetic procedures done these days, and more of them are turning to botox to soften lines and wrinkles.  But why has botox become so popular among men (read more).

Plastic surgeons in the US estimate that the number of men getting botox has increased by 300% in the last decade.  They identify 3 main reasons for this upswing:

  • A large number of work executives, especially those in their mid-40’s, are now getting botox, because they want to maintain a youthful appearance, and remain competitive in the workplace. Some of them have faced work discrimination in the past, and feel pressured to keep looking their best.
  • Younger men are also getting botox in a bid to prevent wrinkles. They use botox to keep them looking young for as long as possible.
  • Men whose wives or girlfriends are already using botox, are being persuaded to get the procedure done as well. Doctors find that men who have this type of support often decide to try botox, and many end up liking it.

Men commonly get botox to reduce forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and crow’s feet. Botox lasts for 3 to 5 months, and it takes about 5 days for the full effects to be seen.

If you are contemplating botox, be sure to get an evaluation done, and choose a doctor with experience in treating male patients, in order to get the best outcome.

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