Tighten and lift the Skin with Ultherapy

If your skin is not as firm as it used to be, then you can lift and tighten your skin by undergoing Ultherapy.  Ultherapy is a non-surgical skin tightening treatment for the face and neck. It typically takes only one treatment with Ultherapy to restore the glow to your skin, and make it more youthful and refreshed.

Ultherapy Treatment

Ultherapy is a minimally invasive solution that can be used on the face and neck, to tone loose skin. It is often used to lift the brow and correct a lowered brow line, as well as to tighten skin on the neck and cheeks.

More women and men are choosing Ultherapy, because it is a quick and easy way to rejuvenate the skin, without having to endure a long downtime.

How does it work?

Ultherapy uses ultrasound waves to tighten loose skin.  The device heats the skin, and targets the deep connective tissue below the skin, and it also stimulates collagen.

Ultherapy Results

Ultherapy restores skin elasticity, and improves tone and texture by replenishing collagen. Collagen is a natural protein that keeps the skin toned and firm. The levels of collagen in the skin diminish as we age, and this makes the skin less elastic, and more likely to sag and wrinkle (read more).

Ultherapy helps to jump start the skin’s repair process, as it strengthens the existing collagen, and assists with the production of new collagen. Results will improve as time passes, because more collagen will be produced.

At Cobb Wellness & Aesthetics in Roswell, GA, Dr. Kelley treats patients who wish to tighten facial skin with Ultherapy treatments.  Ultherapy takes between 60 to 90 minutes, and there is minimal discomfort and few side effects. Call to schedule your appointment with Dr. Kelley to see if you would be a good candidate for Ultherapy (770) 649-0094.

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