What are the benefits of DualSculpting?

By now, you’ve probably heard about CoolSculpting, the remarkable non-invasive alternative to liposuction. CoolSculpting removes small areas of stubborn fat without invasive surgery or a lengthy downtime, but DualSculpting offers the same exciting results in less time. So what are the benefits of DualSculpting?

How DualSculpting works

DualSculpting uses two CoolSculpting machines at the same time to double the fat blasting power. CoolSculpting reshapes the body by freezing away unwanted fat below the skin. The treated fat cells die, and are gradually eliminated from the body over the following months. CoolSculpting is designed for people who are already at or near their ideal body weight, but still have some stubborn fat that does not respond to diet and exercise.

What are the benefits of DualSculpting?

DualSculpting allows patients to treat more areas in a single session. The CoolSculpting machine only treats one area at a time. This is okay when treating a problem area like a double chin, but patients that need to treat the thighs or flanks usually have to schedule 2 CoolSculpting appointments. DualSculpting makes it possible to treat both thighs simultaneously in a single session, which means fewer appointments.

DualSculpting is a time-saver. Patients needing to treat several trouble spots can schedule fewer appointments. DualSculpting is a more efficient way for patients to get the results they want, without having to take a lot of time out of their already busy day. Since DualSculpting can be easily done in the lunch hour, there’s no need to take time off work.

Would you like to learn more about the benefits of DualSculpting? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Indianapolis, IN area, Fundamentals Med Spa is our featured practice.

You can reach them at www.fundamentalsmedspa.com, or by calling (317) 222-7546.

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