What are the Risks of Not Being Injected Correctly with Kybella?

A well-defined chin is a coveted facial feature that is believed to be attractive and beautiful, but a double chin is considered just the opposite. Before Kybella, surgery was the only way to erase a double chin. What’s Kybella? Kybella is an exciting new treatment for under-chin fat that promises to melt fat quickly and permanently. However, as is the case with all types of injectables, you should be aware of what are the risks of not being injected correctly with Kybella.

Kybella is the first non-surgical solution for submental (under-chin) fat. It contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that absorbs fat, and is naturally produced by the body. When injected, Kybella is able to rupture the fat cell membranes and dissolve the fat.

Treatment is done on an outpatient basis, and it typically takes a series of 2 to 4sessions to achieve the desired results. Treatment sessions are spaced at least one month apart.

What are the Risks of Not Being Injected Correctly with Kybella?

Kybella should be injected only into the fat tissue under the skin. If the drug is injected into the facial muscle, it could result in loss of sensory or motor nerve function, as it is not approved for use on fat in any other part of the body. The drug must be precisely injected in the proper location, and at the correct depth.

Kybella should only be injected by a medical practitioner who is familiar with the anatomy of the neck, and knows the areas where it can be safely injected.

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