What is the down time for the UltraShape Power treatment for body contouring?

Do you have some stubborn fat that you’d like to zap away without going under the knife? There are a variety of new technologies that can help, including UltraShape Power by Cynosure. UltraShape is completely non-invasive so there is no anesthesia and no incisions, but what is the downtime for the UltraShape Power treatment for body contouring.

UltraShape Power
UltraShape Power is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses focused ultrasound energy to reduce fat. The ultrasound energy specifically targets and disrupts the fat cells below the surface of the skin. However, it does not affect the surrounding structures in any way.

UltraShape Power is virtually painless, and the technology can be used for fat reduction in various parts of the body including the arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs. It typically takes 3 treatments to achieve the desired results.

What is the downtime for UltraShape Power?
One of the advantages of using UltraShape Power is the fact that there is no downtime after treatment. As a result, patients can go back to normal activities immediately after the procedure. There is no swelling or bruising after treatment, so you can walk in and have your procedure done, and walk out and resume your regular routine.

Are you a good candidate?
If you are already at your ideal weight or very close to it, but have a few areas of stubborn fat that you can’t get rid of, you may be a good candidate for UltraShape Power.

UltraShape body contouring is available in Long Beach, CA, at Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates.

Call (562) 997-1144 today to schedule a consultation with one of our dermatologists.

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