What is the Recovery Process Like For Non-Invasive Facial Rejuvenation?

Within the last decade non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments have surged in popularity, as both men and women deal with the issues of facial aging. In the search for solutions, more people are turning to non-invasive options using cosmetic injectables like botox, because of the shorter recovery time. But what is the recovery process like for facial rejuvenation?

Botox and Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation creates a more youthful appearance, and also improves facial contours. It combats skin problems normally associated with aging, such as  wrinkles, and diminished facial volume.

Botox is among the most popular choices for facial rejuvenation, because it reduces fine lines and creases. Although botox has long been known as an effective wrinkle reducer, the results of recent clinical trials indicate that it may also be helpful in boosting skin elasticity.

Recovery Process

Botox is often billed as a ‘lunchtime’ procedure, which means you can get it done and then go right back to work. Therefore there is really no recovery time needed. It is generally performed as an outpatient procedure, and most patients feel quite well after treatment.

However, there may be some temporary bruising and redness, which usually resolves in about 48 hours. Patients are generally advised not to rub or massage the treated area, as this may cause botox to migrate to other areas. Normal activities are allowed, but patients are advised to avoid any strenuous activities.

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